We want you to get the care you deserve.

We are located in Nashville, Tennessee but can assist you world wide.

Our services

Package Services

Our packages include various options. From removal, embalming, filing of DC, permits and consulate documentation, ziegler case, airtray, transport to airport to airfare, consulate fees, overnight document delivery. Click to see price list for packages. NEW Link

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Preparation Services

Our packages include various options. From embalming, donor care, dressing and cosmetics we can assist you with care. Click to see price list for packages.

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Cremation Services

We offer unique cremation services for what you require. From the process itself to carefully transporting the cremation remains, we are here to help you.

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Transportation Services

Our trasportation services include various options. From our Standard Removal Service with one employee to Overland Transport we can help you. Click to see price list for packages.

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Have Questions?

Contact us and we would be happy to help.

Fill out the form with your information and we’ll be in touch shortly.

We deliver quality service and professional support 24 hours a day/365 days a year, allowing you the time to better care for the families you serve.